Monday, April 30, 2012

I always say this

well my mom is up and early working out herself
was hoping she can babysit the baby while i take a semi ok spin class
so i had my coffee
watching that nyc real estate show 
while feeding baby cereal
sipping on ice water
i need to just go to the park
and do an outside workout

The PARK WorkOut PLAN 
with the baby and jogging stroller

1. run one lap around park 1.75 mile
2. squats 25
3. walking lunges
4.squats 25
4. walking lunges
5. 12 pushups
6. military press
7. 12 pushups
8.side raises
9.12 pushups
10. upright rows
11. plank 30 sec times 3
12. crunches
13. stretch

ok I'm ready now

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