Saturday, December 24, 2011

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Hubby bought these for Amelia

Than they were lost than they magically appear in Amelia's hands lol

After 3 hours of Christmas shopping

Amelia Joy runs the world

Watching Merry Christmaa Yo Gabba Gabba Special

Amelia loves it

in training...

so yesterday I didn't run my 3 miles because all my exercise cloths weren't washed...
terrible excuse huh...well the weather today in Wacksonville is like spring so I'm gonna take advantage of it 3 miles today
tomorrow rest
than Saturday long run 4 miles
I hope I get into the lottery for the NYC Marathon
I keep looking at the route
It's always been a dream to do that
Ok gotta go eat some more chicken Tinola
I made baked ziti last night
for the hubby

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Hump Day

Today I woke up at 9am
Laid in bed with Amelia and we cuddled and played
I love it she's so cuddly
Than I finally got up
Folded two baskets of cloths
Vacummed our bedroom
I LOVE the Dyson
I enjoy seeing how much it's picked up afterwards
Than I had some chicken tinola and rice
Afterwards Amelia napped while. Watched a documentary about teenage musicians
It was awesome
Ok the beny is kickin in
Will cont in the am

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Last 2 days I was given an assignment at work that was emotionally taxing on me. Working in the trauma icu during the holidays is a challenge. You have to distance yourself from getting to personal so your able to focus on the tasks to keep your patients alive yet comfort family members as well. I think I'm pretty good I probably come off as a cold hearted bitch nurse but it's just easier to focus when I don't get emotionally attached to family. I try to relate and now being a mom it makes it even more challenging to not breakdown in tears in the breakroom bathroom.. Just saying... It's hard for me to do anything physical after workin 12 hours and being on my feet all day.. So the stress tension isn't released.. So today after our computer class I took advantage of leaving at 5 to finally run downtown bridges .. I parked at the y and changed in the car.. I set my Nike to 5k and ran 3:1... Time was 44 mins! And with two bridges.. I didn't feel exhausted afterward maybe exhilarated I LOVe it.. Training for the half so gotta do another 3 tomorrow
Love peace
Chicken grease

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Me and Amelia

Merry Christmas

Santa Claus flying

Dripping Christmas lights


Blackhawk neighborhood

They are selling these stars..played Christmas music off Spotify while we drove around slow it was awesome

Saturday, December 17, 2011


Last 3 days I've been so blah
I dunno it just hits me
And bam I'm feeling exhausted and negative
I hate it
Today I kept thinking joy u need to get out there and run or do something active
So after dealing with Amelia crying nonstop today and last night during the Christmas party i had enough
I ran my 3 miles and feel soooo much better
By no means am I fast
Took me 45 mins
I just wanna get out there and sweat and listen to music loud in my ears
Interval today was 3to1
I love the Galloway method
I've accepted the fact that I may never run an 8 min mile like I did in my early 20s but I don't wanna feel exhausted after a training session
The jingle all the way was perfect
I ran with the stroller
3 miles
Didn't feel like I got ran over afterwards
I want to feel that after the Donna Hicken
I plan in doing the one at the landing on New Years Eve
Not sure if i will be using the stroller though
My hubby is off
That day so hopefully I can go solo
Ok well I am
On my way to our Christmas party at work
I promise I
Will try to post pics this week of the past few weeks of activities
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Friday, December 16, 2011


Spent all morning shopping
Than home to bake and cook
Amelia hasn't let me sleep much the past two nights
So taking a 10 min nap before we head to a Christmas party

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Thursday, December 15, 2011

Your cute shadow and your walking stick

Sorry about the outfit lol

Dr. Kostur

Best pediatrician ever!!

At pediatrician gonna get your shots... Having fun waiting

I was at work and my mom took u to the beach for the first time ever!

Of course I was mad cause I wanted to do that but I knew you would love it just wish I was there...

Favorite Breakfast at work


Fire pit at Phil & Venices always relaxing

Fried Green Tomatoes I always need to order

The jelly on the side so good together

Secret Garden Cafe Beach Blvd Jacksonville Fl

Afternoon siesta!!

Walking pretty steady you don't stay still

For a pic now!!!

Piggy feet

I do this little piggy to your toes and u LOVE it!! you always tap your feet when music is on while your eating.. Or u rock them back and forth when u get super excited!! I will miss that

Corn beef and rice your favorite

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Today and yesterday

Yesterday I took Amelia for her MMR shot. Due to her allergies our pediatrician wanted to break up her shots .. Sooo far since she has received her shots Amelia has not had an allergic reaction or spiked a fever! Thank God!!
Than today we went to Nemours to see the nutritionist .. Amelia's weight is low for her age so it was recommended we saw one... It's been a challenge feeding Amelia because she is allergic to peanuts, wheat and cows milk... This is the biggest reason why I've kept up the breastfeeding... I've had the epi pen ready everytime we try new foods. I swear it's nerve wracking!

The nutritionist was cool she was actually cool about me breastfeeding! She didnt make me feel guilty. She even said unfortunately here in the states breastfeeding past 12 months isn't acceptable as it is around the world. She showed me lots of convient options for peanut free gluten free dairy free foods... Thinks I know already.. Olive oil on her rice and chicken ect.. I was waiting for recipes but didn't get any.. I know all these things I've den researching g them since I found out I was Preggo!! I wanted received I guess..
But she did give me the confidence that her eating will be better and there are tons of options out there..
Hers Amelia eating one of the chicken nuggets that is wheat free and dairy free!! Yes!!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Monday Blues

I pray that God gives me the strength to get through today. I pray that I am professional and compassionate at the same time. Yesterday was tough I didn't get much sleep since we hung out a little late with friends. Just questioning your own beliefs at 645am isn't the way I like to start my day. All night Amelia was so fckin fussy!!! I was so irritated!!! I just wanna be done with this day be home with the baby and pray my mom will stay longer so I can get a workout in. Course the hubby gets to go have fun at the game.. Clearly mom hardly gets a break .. Ok
Enough with this negativity .. Today will be a good day today will be good...

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Saturday, December 3, 2011

The Holley Jolley Holiday Trolley St. Augustine Florida

Last night we went to St. Augustine to see the lights.  I thought it would be a great idea to take the trolley to see everything instead of taking the stroller and going through crowds.  There's a code in the Mint Magazine that you enter when you order your ticket online.  It's a dollar off so we paid 12 bucks for two tickets.  I was wondering why there were places to park for free shown on the website.  Well when we got to the visitor center it was 10 bucks to park.  We were like whaat?!  Once we got to the front we saw the trolley.  We have been on this trolley before during the day time and we used the same one in Savannah.  It's a nice way to see everything while you're pretty wasted lol Oh how our lives have changed.

So hubby ran to the bathroom and this pirate came up to me took my e-ticket and gave me 3 sunglasses and 3 stickers.  Hubby came out and we got on the trolley with a umbrella stroller and diaper bag.  The trolley got pretty packed.  Suddenly we were off and the Christmas music was BLARING!! I didn't mind I liked it cause I could sing along and nobody could here me.  People were hootin and hollaring as we drove by people walking by.  There's really not much to see kinda drove by the square ...the Lightner Museum...the Post office lol ect... There's a place to stop to enjoy some sugar cookies and apple cider.  We didn't get off we just stayed on and went around for round 2 of the same route...Than we stopped at the oldest drug store to see Santa.  Of course Amelia wasn't having that.  She totally freaked we tried to take pic with her and Santa but no kept crying! Even the people in line were trying to help us by calling out her name and making her laugh..FAIL!  So we got back on the bus and got off to get some sugar cookies...

We walked through the stores and there were tons of teenagers and youngsters.  I know I'm gonna sound like an old fart but oh well.  There were just so many of them.  I over heard this young boy say "ya i'm gonna be like 22 in three months!" so excited...You can just hear tons of cuss words walking through lots of people smoking.  Just wasn't an easy go lucky walk we were kinda rushing to just walk back to the parking garage.  Over all it was a nice chill night.  Next time I guess we can bring a pack of beers and hide it in our diaper bags ect...

Friday, December 2, 2011

2 days off

I slept in today with the baby
I don't why but I always set my alarm on first day off at 6 am
With this notion that I'm going to get a run in before the baby and my hubby wakes up.
Last night I even used this new app on my iPad to wake me up.
My sleepy hubby woke me and said hey whats that sound hehe
I just turned it off and went back to a warm cuddly sleep with my pillows and a sound asleep baby beside me.
So woke up around 10ish and read Women's Running Magazine
I like it
I was eyeing it all day at work yesterday in our desk drawer
but I was so damn busy that I barely got to even skim it
My coworker let me have it
It's pretty good
I went ahead and got up to workout in our other room
I started doin weights and pushups than 17 mins later
Amelia woke up
So that was that
I plan on doing a long run tomorrow in the am
Gonna do some crunches pushups and bicep curls before I get ready tonight

My hubby and I have done the Trolley tour in St Augustine and Savannah
So tonight we are going to enjoy the Holly Jolly Holiday Trolley tour back in St Augustine
it departs 6-8 and is usually 7 bucks per person.
children under 6 are free I believe.
Here is the coupon code for a dollar off online if you need it
 I'll take some pics

Last week we watched the Holiday Light Boat Show parade
Amelia loved it
few pics taken wasn't so good