Saturday, July 28, 2012

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

5 pounds

Last week I didn't workout for like 6 days... Ate crap for 4 days
Than Saturday before work I weighed myself
I gained 5 pounds!
So the past 3 days after my 12 hour shift
I went straight to the gym
Died doing cardio
Yesterday morning when I weighed myself I lost 2 pounds
This morning I weighed myself and looks like I lost maybe 2-3 pounds
Thank u God
It's been hard past 3 days
I just want to go thru a drive thru get a burger
But I know it's not gonna help me fit into a size 2-3 nasty Gal outfit!
Ok gotta pu my BLS book

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Friday, July 20, 2012

Re: Watching Elmo

Melissamae A. Alvaro, RN, BSN

From: Joy bautista <>
To: Ijoyjoy <>; DearAmeliaJoy <>; Best friendest <>
Sent: Friday, July 20, 2012 8:24 AM
Subject: Watching Elmo

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Watching Elmo

Sunday, July 15, 2012


Just watched rerun if Reebok Crossfit Games 2011... Inspired
Sweat chiseled muscles
I wanna look like those girls
That's my goal
I wonder IMF I could compete and do
Looks like fun and hard work
I like it

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Thursday, July 12, 2012


I'm an insomniac
Last night two hours sleep than up at 555am for 12 hour shift
Had three mutha fckin chocolate cookies
Than home
One beer ym
Now in bed ame can't fckin sleep!!!
My mind is like running five million miles an hour with ideas
I just took that sleeping pill I got from Jax Nutrition
Last time I think I had an allergic reaction
My eyelids were puffy
Let's see again
Last week I stopped taking the vitamin c four times a day
The colon cleans
And flaxseed oil
I need to have a bomb wo
This morning
I'm feeling skinnier
My belly is getting flatter
I'm loving the energy I feel
I think clear
Not so foggy
My eczema is letting up
I want to shop at top shop
And forever 21
I miss wearing short shorts
Ok gonna read some mocking jay
Should be asleep by 121am

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Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Oh Amelia

She's 21 months old now
She sAys ugh oh
Time out for the first time
Loved chicken and rice
Plays with her water
Climbs couches
Gives kisses
Kisses my lips
Kisses my knee
Gives hugs on her own
Loves to hide under pillows
Trying to jump
Has the cutest laugh
Has a beautiful genuine smile
Long black hair
Does pretty eyes
She loves to sway dance to music
Watches and enjoys fresh beat band
Yo gabba gabba
Despicable Me
Finding Nemo
I kiss her all the time
Hug her tons
Smell her hair and neck
Try to be present in the moment
Savor the moment
Time has gone by so fast
She reminds me o that sad fact
I wish we could stop time for a moment
Thoughts of a 33 year old mom to a 21 month old toddler

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11 days

11 days since I paid 325 for a personal trainer. I've missed two days of no workout, ate at River City Breakfast Buffet, pigged out at my sis in laws place, ditched cardio today and ate chocolate covered pretzels that I made last night...

This behavior has caused me to buy size 12-14 jeans size large dresses... And have a limited amount of cloths.. When the inside fit me longs to wear the latest trends, develop my own trends, wear board shorts with a bikini top and a wife beater to Publix... Fck this revamping my health life style is so fcking hard.... FCK me